About Dave McCusker

Hi, I am Dave McCusker.
I am a man of many interests and passions. Always changing, ebbing, flowing, expanding. That said, If I had to boil it down to 3 core principles it would be optimization, integration, and alignment.
I believe these are the core tenants of a fully actualized life. That is the life I’m choosing to create. A mission of mine is help others do the same. This website is an expression of that. It is a platform to share my knowledge, experiences, offerings, and more. I’m honored that you are here. We can co-create a better world!
Who am I?
I am the infinite universal love that is the universe. I am limitless potential from this moment to the next. I am also a human being. Not just being but learning, creating, growing, connecting, manifesting, resting and so on. This is my human existence and I am absolutely here for it. I’m doing it! You’re doing it! This is it!
I try to avoid any single moniker or label to describe myself (other than my name) because I feel that it would pigeonhole my identity into what would be one small aspect of my life. I am a multidimensional being after all!
Some things I currently am, am creating, doing, and interested in:
I am really into Biohacking: At the age of 25, my health was in a spiraling decline. The traditional “healthcare” I received only worked to numb my pain as the side effects of each prescription led to increasingly severe health issues. At its worst, I was experiencing severe back pain, anxiety, depression, ADHD, chronic fatigue, rapid weight loss, gut issues, and a myriad of other autoimmune disorders. I knew the healthcare system failed me and I had to find answers elsewhere.
I found that answer in “Biohacking”. This is to say I learned to take control of my health through proper diet, exercise, supplementation, lifestyle choices, etc. in order to not only give my body the inputs necessary for it to heal but thrive in the most optimized way possible. I love sharing what has worked for me and what hasn’t!
I host a monthly biohacking call on the Fit For Service App platform with guests from various disciplines whose expertise fall under the umbrella of “biohacking”. You can also find my biohacking themed Instagram @biohacking_dave.
I am a Breathwork Facilitator: I have had some of the most profound and powerful experiences in my life through various breathwork modalities. My experience with Somatic Breathwork™ stood out to most among all the others. This practice is designed to clear suppressed emotions and stress. It worked, like nothing else including plant medicine ceremonies. I was so overtaken by the experience that I wasted no time getting certified with the creator of the practice Steven Jaggers. If you are interested in having me facilitate for you or a group shoot me a message!
I am an OSHO Dynamic Meditation Facilitator: This meditation modality is an intense and thorough way to break old, ingrained patterns in the bodymind that keep one imprisoned in the past, and to experience the freedom, the witnessing, silence, and peace that are hidden behind those prison walls.
I have stepped away from regularly facilitating OSHO Dynamic Meditations. That said, I am available to facilitate the practice at events and retreats. If you’re interested in learning more about this practice shoot me a message!
I am Fit For Service: Fit For Service is an immersive coaching mastermind program designed to empower members to become physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, romantically, and spiritually fit to be of service, for the good of all. I made the investment in myself to join the FFS tribe for the entire year of 2021. Having now completed my time in the program after 3 immersive summits I am proud to know that I am Fit For Service. In 2022, I left my corporate job and joined the FFS team! I currently help to support all aspects of the team’s technology infrastructure most notably the Fit For Service App which I administer.
I am a consciousness explorer: Consciousness absolutely fascinates me. The potential depth and vastness of our awareness and perception of reality is . There are a lot of ways to explore it, and I’ve tried many of the modalities to reach those altered states of perception that clearly demonstrate the vastness that lies within us. These experiences have taught me so much, and yet I have so much to explore. As Rumi said, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”
I am all about community: I love building communities, sharing communities with others, and most of all being in community. I believe having a strong and supportive community around oneself is a core tenet of a happy and healthy life. If you are in the Austin area and looking to find community, shoot me a message and I can help get you plugged into some great ones!
I am a Blogger/Writer: I appreciate you checking out what I have to say here! Writing has been such an expansive practice for me. I’m not sure any other activity is such an effective teacher. I am looking forward to continuing to create content I feel is worth sharing.
I am an avid student of life: I believe the quest for knowledge is an endeavor that will last my entire lifetime. I actively embody the practice of continual learning. I’m excited to share some of my favorite books, courses, and podcasts on this website!
I am an Austinite: In June of 2019 I left my home State of North Carolina and moved to Austin, TX. It’s been one of the most life-altering decisions I have ever made. I truly believe I live in the best city in the world and I am so grateful to call it home!
I am a technologist: I’ve spent 8+ years in various software support engineering and implementation roles. I also built this website which I think is pretty cool!